Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cape Breton bound

It's time to go so I'll be off first thing tomorrow morning. The weather forecast seems reasonable and my three week visa is expiring so to the Great White North I go.

I estimate my journey to Port Hawksbury will take me 9 - 10 days. Charlottetown could be reached from there within 24 hours providing contrary winds arn't blowing. But I'll probably stay at least a day/night in Port Hawksbury for a breather.

It won't be my first time there as I stopped there on my maiden voyage fron Maine in June 2006. I know a place where I can get a great Ceasar salid and internet connection.

So I'll blog again from there!

chow for now



Unknown said...

I love Caesar Salad. Enjoy.

Stay well and safe.


ara'deg said...

I read you cryptic email out to my friends in the country and we speculated on its possible meanings and implications but in the end decided it was better to leave it a mystery. I like mystery - but I like frank talk too - it can save a lot of time and crossed wires. Whenever you're ready ...

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